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Why do I keep getting Yeast Infections?

By March 3, 2011 - 6:50pm
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I have already had 3 yeast infections this year alone can someone tell me why or what I neeed to do.I have got a yeast infection as I am writing this.Someone please give me som advice on this.Thanks in advance.

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Hi Millergg,

Certain factors can increase your chances of getting a yeast infection-- these include:

Birth control pills
Steroid use
Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Diabetes , especially when blood sugar is not well-controlled
A compromised immune system, such as with HIV infection
Perfumed feminine hygiene sprays, deodorant tampons, or bubble bath
Tight jeans, synthetic underwear, or a wet swimsuit

Please visit our yeast infection page here at EmpowHer for more information, other users questions, and ways to treat an infection.

Hope you feel better soon!

March 4, 2011 - 6:11am

Hi there, I've never had a yeast overgrowth myself but I have read many times, and I do alot of research, that from the first time you ever take a course of antibiotics, you will have a yeast imbalance. Candida Albicans can reside in small numbers in our bodies without much problem, but when the conditions are right, as in the destruction of beneficial bacteria by antibiotics, I read, antibiotics kill not only the bad bacteria/yeasts, antibiotics also kill the good ones. There has to be a perfect balance of good to bad bacteria/yeast, unfortunately when both are killed by the antibiotic, the bad ones get a toe hold much quicker than the good ones and then they wreak hovoc in your body causing varying degrees of itchiness to terrible fatigue and many other bothersome symptoms.
I have also read: start a high quality 'probiotic' and take it for at least 3 months, at the same time cut way, way back on sugars and starches that turn to sugars, as yeast feeds on sugars. Stay away from yeast containing foods and from processed food. Eat lot's of fresh vegetables and a few fruits (not dried). Drink water and herb teas (no sweetener) Avoid fruit juices, coffee, alcohol especially.
After 4 weeks, re-introduce the foods you like, but continue avoiding these foods if you are susceptable to yeast infections (yeast overgrowth): sugars, white flour, fruit juices, dried fruits, prepared breakfast cereals (including Muesli) vinegar, foods containg yeast and alcohol. Every time you have to take an antibiotic, start on a 2 to 3 month regimen of probiotics (not probiotic yogurt or plain yogurt, there is not enough good bacteria in these) to get your flora and fauna (bacteria/yeast) back in balance. : ) I hope that gets you started, there's alot to read on the www about it too, I like to lean towards the naturopathic treatments like the one above. Good luck, give some feedback if you can, what worked for you or what did not! Thanks! r2g

March 3, 2011 - 10:56pm
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