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ovarian cyst

By Anonymous March 6, 2011 - 9:44am
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im 21 years old, and the dr, diagnosed that i have an ovarian cyst.. i was divirginzed last sept 21 2010.. and i undergo surgery for removing my ovarian cyst last feb 17,2011..
im so scared that i cant have a baby! can i have still sex? on what should i possible have.. pls, give me some advice..

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and Welcome to EmpowHer. If your doctor only removed a cyst, you can still get pregnant and yes, you can still have sex. A cyst is a collection of fluid which is surrounded by a thin wall on your ovary. The cyst is removed but all your female organs necessary to create a baby are still there.

Did you ask your physician if there were any other issues with your surgery? Do you have a follow up scheduled with your physician? You can certainly ask these questions or call the doctors office and explain your concerns. Unfortunately, we don't know the specifics of your operation so asking these questions to your physician would be necessary.

I hope this helps.

March 6, 2011 - 11:16am
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