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my friend has just told me she has hormonal throat cancer what is this

By Anonymous January 21, 2011 - 2:01am
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Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. Hormonal Throat Cancer could be thyroid cancer, or cancer of the throat. It is a condition where cells of the throat grow abnormally, and can cause tumors to develop. Most notably, actor Michael Douglas has throat cancer. I'm wondering if your friend said "hormonal" throat cancer if that means thyroid, since the thyroid secretes hormones that affect many factors of your body.
Did your friend explain at all what the doctor said? How are they planning on treating it? You are good to be concerned about your friend. Please let us know what information you are looking for. In the meantime, here is come general information about throat cancer and thyroid conditions:
Throat Cancer Definition, and
Understanding Thyroid Conditions

January 21, 2011 - 8:17am
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