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I still haven’t gotten my period / missed my period for september. Should i be worried?

By October 1, 2018 - 12:33am
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I was laat active on July 28, day 4 of my period. My period continued the next day. I got my last period on August 19-23. It was like my normal periods, brownish red with some clumps. I have irregular periods. I haven’t gotten my september period.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello km0901

Thank you for writing!

You have been helped on this topic many times and were helped on this particular question a few days ago. If you are not reading the responses given, please take the time to do so. We are here to help but you need to do your part in reading the advice given.

Since you had a period since you had sex, you're not pregnant. A pregnancy test can confirm this for you if you feel the need. You said that your cycle is irregular, so this would explain why you haven't had your period yet.
Talk to your doctor about a treatment plan for your irregularity.

October 1, 2018 - 1:08pm
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