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I have two benign appearing lesions in left breast originally found one by going to urgent care with horrible pain from breast to under arm. I don't know what to do or where to go.

By November 6, 2014 - 10:45am
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Hey, I am 27, no kids, had a hysterectomy at 24 due to extreme endometriosis and adenomyosis. I felt great for awhile. I have fibromyalgia, neurapothy, spondylosis and of course hypothyroidism. I went to an Urgent care while out of town in February of 14 with extreme breast pain (left) and pain in armpit. First mammogram and ultrasound found 1 small benign looking lesion about 2 by 3mm and it showed a lymph node under my arm. They said retest in 6 months. Pain got worse, including discharge in right nipple only while pain was in left with horrible sharp pains in left nipple. Nipple pain seems to happen whenever it is erect sometimes only that one will erect with pain while other isn't. I have a strong history of cancer in family, I was taking care of mother with triple negative Breast cancer when it started. I have since had 2 more ultrasounds and an MRI. The second after 6 months it had grown to 3 by 4mm the third 4mm and the MRI showed same plus second one at 5mm 3.8cm from my nipple. I have seen my gyno and a general surgeon who was supposed to get a biopsy and instead told me it's no big deal we will retest in another 6 months. I asked if maybe he could aspirate the one known cyst to get pain down and he said there was no need. Nice way to say it, he had no bedside manners. I was told those could not cause pain that I was experiencing normal breast pain. This is by no means normal. Does anyone have any idea where I should go from here? I've been dealing with for almost a year now. Anything and everything helps! Thanks for listening.

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Thank you so much! I felt like I was being crazy! I have to find a local Breast surgeon and get a referral. I will do that right away. I was thinking maybe it would be better to go to a female Breast surgeon? What are your thoughts on that and are there certain things I need to ask or say besides my families history?

Thanks again so very much!

November 13, 2014 - 7:44pm
Guide (reply to Aj33)

Hello Aj33,

I am so glad that I was able to help. I am under the care of a female breast surgeon, who also is Chief of Surgical Oncology. I have found her to be very understanding.

In advance, write down any questions you think of. It can be very overwhelming, trust me. Meet with the surgeon who should present his or her plan. Be certain you fully understand what is suggested before you leave the office. If possible, take someone with you. From personal experience, you can often miss something that the other person picks up. My daughter was my "breast cancer buddy".


November 14, 2014 - 10:19am

Hello Aj33,

Welcome to the EmpowHER community. I am so glad to reached out to us with your concern.

I strongly suggest you find another breast surgeon, who will biopsy the lesion. That is the only way to know if the lesions are benign or malignant.

Serious concern should be focused on your family history of breast cancer, and the fact that the initial lesion is increasing in size, a new lesion has developed, and breast pain is not normal.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer last spring. It was detected on a PET scan, which was ordered to check the status of a previously diagnosed and treated brain cancer. Within one week, I had a breast ultrasound, mammogram and breast biopsy. With no time wasted, a mastectomy and lumpectomy were performed, and chemotherapy initiated. Today, there is no sign of recurrence and reconstructive surgery is completed.

Aj33, please get that second opinion.


November 6, 2014 - 11:04am
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