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How can I cure my Vaginal Infection?

By July 16, 2009 - 7:29am
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I am suffering from same kind of infection with yellowish, creamish discharge. have taken antibiotics atleast three times and have used vaginal internal cream but the infection reoccurs. Please help.

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Hi, Bee, and thank you for your question!

First of all, please accept my sympathies. I have had vaginal infections before and I know what an annoyance they are. What has your doctor told you about why the infection keeps recurring? Has she or he said what kind of vaginitis you have? (bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis are the most common).

One article I found said that 5 to 8 percent of women suffer from recurrent vaginal infections, which is described as four or more infections in a year (with three in a row, I am sure you qualify). It focuses on some lifestyle factors that may be involved with some women:

"The usual risk factors include the intake of cranberry juice, or the use of pantyhose, panty liners or sexual lubricants. Avoidance of such products is one of the most effective ways on how to stop recurrent vaginal fungus infection."

Do any of those apply to you? Here's that full article:


It also says: "More often than not, women who suffer from recurring vaginal infections are prescribed with a longer course of treatment. A topical medication may be given between ten and fourteen days, or an oral fluconazole preparation at 150 mg may be administered with a second dosage 72 hours soon after." Has that been what your doctor has tried?

This is a good explainer on vaginal infections:


And here's some great information from our EmpowHer encyclopedia:


If I were you, my two main questions would be (a) what kind of infection is this, and (b) is there a longer or more potent treatment to get it to go away. If you know the answer to (a), please write back and update me and I'll do some more specific research for you.

July 17, 2009 - 9:09am
(reply to Diane Porter)

Well I don't have the a
answer to both the question yet. i have used medicine of seven days max. I definitely will ask my gyn and get back to you on ASAP basis so I can get help from you. Thank you for sending articles, i will go through them.

July 18, 2009 - 2:34am
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