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help me pls

By March 29, 2012 - 7:35pm
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hello my last period days was feb 22 of this year and im just now bleed a little what does that mean and it dont feel like a period and it bleed for a bit and stop what does that mean

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i got married to my husband barely 7 years ago no child, since four months my menstruation stop, i did many test to know the reason of my barrenness but no solution, i cried day and night for help, until i read a comment on how a great man use his power and drugs to heal and restore hope to the people to help the world, i pick is email i wrote him for help he told not to worry about it. he told me he we prepare the ABU DRUGS that is drugs we make me to start seeing my menstruation again and clear all my body and i we become fertile..
he cast a spell on me and send me the ADU DRUGS and i follow the description he gave to me, two weeks later i started seeing my period, i was so happy and i,m 2 months pregnant now.
he can help you if you are barren and have menstruation pain or any problem.. this is email address [email protected] i know you we testify just the way i,m am now.

August 19, 2012 - 6:44pm

Hi terma,

Welcome to EmpowHer! How long have you been menstruating? If menstruation is new to a woman, it will take some time to get regular. Is your period normally regular?

There are many reasons for a period to be irregular. Diet, exercise, and pregnancy are just a few. Please visit the link below for more information:




March 30, 2012 - 7:01am
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