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Cramps! Cramps! Cramps!

By March 4, 2008 - 9:18am
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Hello there-

I have always had bad PMS cramping and cramping on the first couple days of my period. I now have an IUD and the cramping is SO much worse both before and during my period. Is there anything you can take for this? I have tried so many things but only Alleve seems to work but just barely curbs the cramps. I need relief but I don't want to be knocked out by meds so that I can't function since this whole thing lasts about 8 days!

Please help!

Thanks- Sick of Cramps Sarah

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Sorry to hear you were having such issues with cramps and leg pain. How did you find your new doctor and when is your surgery scheduled? And I have often heard that diet especially one rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, but low in salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine can help relieve some cramping. I haven't heard anything about how cold foods can help. Can you explain that a bit more?

August 13, 2008 - 8:21am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello I always suffered from bad cramps the pain would be so intense. The floor was my best friend during my monthly. It was like it eased the pain . also there heating pads that are made for cramps they actually work but you can't sleep in them. Like what they have for backs,arm I even tried to knock something out of place lol. I ended up on Birth control for awhile which helped with flow,pain, and anemia ,and constipation know as I stopped it to give my body a break after 8 years guess what the pain and other symptoms was back. Went to many(Men) doctors telling them something is wrong yet they keep saying is just bad cramps, I advised them the bad cramps also led to serve leg pain . By the grace of God I am still here I pop so many tylenols with in a 24 hour period that's just how bad that pain was. My body had become immune to Motrin 800 need something stronger that's when I praying God help me something is wrong I could have taken my life because of this pain every month .Come to find out I had endometrosis. cysts on both ovaries Need to have surgery. Now I havce to stay away from cold stuff,drinks,ice cream what ever that I notice makes it worst. And the hot teas. Make sure there is nothing else wrong the symptoms could be that something else is wrong.Make sure you find a doctor that will listen to you . God gave me a female gynecologist who said let get a ultrasound and see what is going on. By the grace of God is not as painful as it used to be only when I forget and do the cold stuff the body lets you know quickly that was a no, no hope this helps.

August 12, 2008 - 4:28pm

If your cramps are that bad, you should probably discuss this with your Gynecologist. Sometimes cramps are symptomatic of more serious issues. Hope you get this resolved.

March 4, 2008 - 5:19pm

Instead of meds, you may want to try exercising. The MayoClinic also reports that some women find relief through massage, yoga or meditation, all stress-relieving activities that may help to lessen pain and aren't likely to harm you. Some women find acupuncture helpful for pain relief.

Once the pain begins, soaking in a hot bath or using a heating pad on your abdomen may ease your cramps.

March 4, 2008 - 11:09am
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