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Is Coffee Good For Me?

By HERWriter Blogger November 18, 2014 - 12:47pm
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I drink at least one cup of coffee everyday. I've noticed that I crave and need that cup each day recently. Is it bad to have a cup a day or is it healthy?

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HERWriter Blogger

Hi Pat - Thank you so much for your answer. I will read and make the right decision for me.

November 18, 2014 - 7:50pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger


Hi Amy and thanks for your question.

Whether drinking coffee is good - or bad - for one's health is a topic that's been covered a lot, in large part because so many people do drink coffee and because the data that comes out in various studies is often conflicting.

What jumps out in your question is the statement that you "crave" and "need" that cup of coffee, and you self-selected putting your question in the "Addictions" category of the EmpowHER website. That leads me to think that you may be worried about being addicted to the morning jolt you get from the caffeine in the coffee. So the real question is do you need some type of stimulation to get going and is coffee the best way to get it?

There are several articles written for the EmpowHER community on the pros and cons of drinking coffee. I will share some links below.

Coffee: Bad Reputation, Good Health

Is Coffee Consumption Bad?


Please read these articles and then decide whether you want to keep drinking coffee or if you want to find another way to get your day going. Let us know what you decide is in your health's best interests!



November 18, 2014 - 6:26pm
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