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A bit confused

By Anonymous July 1, 2018 - 7:37am
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So my period came late last month and kinda rescheduled itself to this time. I hunk that my period will come around this time but I am not completely sure. I have had some cramps and stomach aches and quite a bit of discharge and yesterday i went to the bathroom to check and saw some brown (which is normal for me at the beginning and end of my period week) so I just want some opinions on if my period is going to come this week or next because for some reason I’ve gotten really scared this month that it won’t come because of how late it was last month.

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Hello. Thank you for posting.

As long as your period comes, a week's difference is nothing to be afraid of. Occasionally a woman ( especially teens) will experience an early, late, or even a missed period. Many things can impact the menstrual cycle, illness, stress, weight loss or weight gain, a sudden change in lifestyle or change in body chemistry. Our hormones dictate our periods. Be patient. Your period will come when it's ready. Stress will only delay it more.


July 1, 2018 - 11:53am
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