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Anovulatory cycle

By September 21, 2013 - 7:20am
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Hi ma'am,

I am a 28 yr old female.
I usually have a regular menstrual cycle (28 days cycle with 4 days of bleeding). But last month i got my period only on the 31st day of the cycle and the bleeding lasted for only 2 days. My doctor monitored my ovulation cycle for this month (from day 11 to 18) as we are planning for baby. Unfortunately my follicle size was only 14mm and it did not grow beyond that. She has told me that its anovulatory cycle. I'm very much worried because its crucial time that we are planning for a baby.

My doctor has asked me to meet her again during the 2nd day of periods so that she would prescribe tablets for the follicle growth.

But I'm very tensed if am normal or not.. Can I have a baby normally ?? :(
Pls advise...

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EmpowHER Guest


Welcome to EmpowHER.  In order to know if you will be able to conceive, you will need to discuss with your doctor after she starts treatment.  Your doctor will be able to provide you with a more detail progression, of how well are your adapting to treatment.  Tension and stress is not good, when planning a pregnancy.  Try to relax and do what your doctor advises for you to do.



September 21, 2013 - 1:55pm
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