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Got Calcium? Why It’s Critical During Pregnancy

By EmpowHER June 19, 2012 - 1:42pm

Calcium is a necessity to protect women’s bones. During pregnancy, calcium intake is especially important. As a fetus’s skeleton grows, it needs a lot of calcium. The baby gets its nutrients from its mother, particularly through the third trimester. If a mother does not get enough calcium from what she eats, she can develop health problems and have her bones at risk.

Many women can avoid bone issues during pregnancy. But this is not because they are getting the amount of calcium they need. While pregnant, the women’s body has an increased ability to absorb calcium. This is especially true during the final 20 weeks of pregnancy, which is when the baby requires the most calcium to grow. Extra estrogen created during pregnancy helps protect a woman’s bones. However, calcium has more health benefits than protecting bones.

Consuming a sufficient amount of calcium during pregnancy helps women avoid preeclampsia. If a woman gets preeclampsia, she develops high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine at a later time of the pregnancy. If left untreated, preeclampsia reduces the flow of blood to the fetus, resulting in a low birth weight and/or premature birth. The placenta can also detach from the uterine wall too early. The HELLP syndrome and eclampsia, which can cause permanent damage to the mother, are other complications. Giving birth to the baby is the only way to cure preeclampsia.

Preventing preeclampsia seems to be the best solution, and sufficient calcium intake can help that. Pregnant women older than 24 should take in the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of 1200 mg of calcium per day. Since pregnant women under age 24 are in the process of building their own and their baby’s bone mass, they require an additional 300 mg/day of calcium.

Pregnant women can consume calcium through diet by incorporating at least four servings of dairy products such as cheese, milk, yogurt and ice cream (in moderation) in their meals. Green vegetables including spinach and broccoli are high in calcium. Other foods with a lot of calcium include shrimp, sardines, dried beans, dried peas and tofu.

Although it is important to consume adequate calcium, taking in enough calcium through diet can sometimes be a problem. When consuming calcium, women should not take more than 2500/mg day through their diet and supplements. Talk to a doctor to figure out a calcium supplement that offers the right amount of calcium without going overboard.

Consuming an appropriate and adequate amount of calcium during pregnancy helps mothers maintain their own health while also protecting the health of their unborn babies.


"Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Bone Health." Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Home Page. Web. 9 Aug. 2011.

"Calcium Prevents Preeclampsia Complications | Pregnancy | Bastyr Center for Natural Health." Bastyr Center for Natural Health | Seattle Clinic. Web. 9 Aug. 2011.


Palacios C, Pena-Rosas JP. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems : RHL commentary (last revised: 1 February 2010). The WHO Reproductive Health Library; Geneva: World Health Organization. Web. 9 Aug. 2011.


"Increasing Calcium in Your Diet During Pregnancy." Cleveland Clinic . Web. 9 Aug. 2011.


"Preeclampsia - PubMed Health." National Center for Biotechnology Information. Web. 9 Aug. 2011.


"Can I Get Too Much Calcium During Pregnancy? | Pregnancy.org." Pregnancy.org | Getting Pregnant to Baby and Beyond!. Web. 9 Aug. 2011.


Reviewed August 9, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg R.N.
Edited by Jody Smith

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