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Pregnancy and periods

By Anonymous April 21, 2018 - 9:38pm
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I have been trying to get pregnant for a few months now, have a fairly regular cycle. I took the clearblue ovulation test and it worked well telling me which two days I was most likely to ovulate. Me and hubby did the deed on both of those days (11 and 12 April) and the day after. I was expecting my period only on the 27 April, but started spotting on 17 April (10days too early for my period).

I did spot a bit for my first pregnancy, so was very excited, but today 22 April I am bleeding a bit heavier (not as heavy as a normal period, but not just spotting). It's still earlier than I expected my period though.

Could I still be pregnant even though I'm spotting/bleeding? It's still too early according to my dates for a pregnancy test, but I also don't want to test if this is a period as that's just a waste of money....

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Hello. Thank you for posting.

To know for sure, you would have to take a pregnancy test at the appropriate time. Spotting and a flow from a period are two different things. A flow is more likely to indicate you are having your period. From what you describe, it seems like an early period.


April 22, 2018 - 5:41am
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