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Period problem?

By Anonymous October 13, 2017 - 2:08pm
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I'm really confused I had protected sex with my boyfriend the day my period was supposed to start I didn't remember that it was supposed to start that day and it was towards the end of the day and it still hadn't started. I've never had unprotected sex and my period is really regular but now it's not starting and it's been 3 days. Could us having sex made it late? Or is there some weird chance I could be pregnant?

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Hello. Thank you for your message.

The delay can be due to the higher surge of hormones that you experience during arousal/sex. If you had protected sex without any mishaps, pregnancy is unlikely, especially as your period was also due and ovulation passed.


October 13, 2017 - 4:14pm
(reply to Helena)

i have a 30 day cycle for my period
And usually at the beginning of the month around the 2nd to the 8th is my fertility window.
My period was expected to come on the 21st an I had protected sex 4 days before my period and honestly it wasn't for long so I am highly doubting that there was any complications like if the condom broke. But now I'm 8 days late. I took a pregnancy test when I was 7 days late and it came back negative but up to now I haven't had my period. I am so scared :(

November 29, 2017 - 5:15am
Guide (reply to kmahabir123)


Your question was previously answered by another moderator. Please don't post the same question on multiple threads. Thank you.


November 29, 2017 - 6:11pm
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