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I'm trying conceive i had my period and 7 days later i am having cramps could this be earl pregnancy symptoms

By March 8, 2010 - 6:41pm
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ok so i had my period on the 26th of Febuary i had intercourses on march 1st when i was still was bleeding very lightly the next day my period was totally gone but now 7 days later i have been having light cramping and lower back pain as if my period was going to come down but i don't get it till 3 weeks from now. Could this mean i could be pregnant???

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Congrats on trying to conceive. Unfortunately, it is still too early for any signs and symptoms of pregnancy to appear. If you have a regular, 28 day cycle ovulation may not have occurred until 14 days after the first day of your period.

Believe it our not, conception is a process, not something that happens overnight on the day you have unprotected sex. Assuming you ovulated very early this month, it would take approximately 24 hours for fertilization, then the egg begins dividing rapidly and sits in the fallopian tube for 3 days at this point implantation has not even occurred and the egg continues to divide all the way through the fallopian tube until actual implantation occurs.

At this point, you would not feel anything out of the ordinary-- as a matter of fact, if you're body was hard at work implanting the fertilized egg, you wouldn't even know it right now. My guess is that the cramping may be caused by something else such as a gas or a light unfinished period.

Assuming you did conceive on March 1st-- three weeks from now you may start feeling symptoms of:
Fatigue, tender breasts, no menstruation, nausea, backaches, headaches, and frequent urination.

Best of luck ttc!

March 9, 2010 - 6:23am
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