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Hot flashes after hysterectomy and multiple pulmonary embolisms

By Anonymous January 7, 2016 - 12:22am
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I had a full hysterectomy surgery 4 years ago this March: after 3 days of surgery, we, by the grace of God , discovered I had multiple pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. Wasn't long after two weeks of treatment and going home I discovered the "hell" of hot flashes. Sometime 20+ a day, still to this day. I go into panick a and can feel it started from my legs and slowly feel the temperature rising in my body like a thermometer. I turn blood red, sweat profusely, soaked hair, clothes and the worst feel like ant bites it can get so bad. The general ones last 2 to 5 minutes. I have some occasionally that last 10 to 12 minutes. Go away . Freeze to death (bone aching freezing) then within 10 minutes again. I have tried bio-identical made for me, I take an anti-depressant used for helping with hot flashes. Well, they don't work. I am so desperate for some relief. It's ruining my life.

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER and thank you for reaching out to our community. I am so sorry to hear that despite treatment you are still suffering with such intense hot flashes that alternate with this bone freezing sensation.

Talk with your physician to see if you might be a candidate for acupuncture. Some women who had acupuncture had significantly fewer menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes.

Another suggestion is look at possible triggers, such as
drinking alcohol
consuming products with caffeine
eating spicy foods
being in a hot room
feeling stressed or anxious
wearing tight clothing
smoking or being exposed to cigarette smoke

I do hope you find relief.

January 7, 2016 - 10:31am
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