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if i take a testosterone supplement will it raise my blood pressure

By Anonymous January 12, 2018 - 12:32pm
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I have read about testosterone side effects such clitoris enlargement, voice change, and acne with hair. is this true. most important is will it raise your blood pressure as I have high blood pressure. plus I am a diabete take pills: cholesterol medicine. should I avoid taking this stuff?

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Hello. Thank you for posting.

Testosterone can affect blood pressure.  For example, men with high blood pressure may be almost twice as likely to have low testosterone as men with normal blood pressure. On the other hand, too much testosterone can increase blood pressure. Testosterone acts in multiple ways on blood vessels, so this may account for the varying effects.  Why has your doctor recommended it? Is it a low dose?  Does he or she think the benefits outweigh the risks?  Your doctor can help you decide.


January 12, 2018 - 4:06pm
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