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Coping with a Miscarriage

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Sometimes knowing why something happens gives us the power to go on. A miscarriage is a terrible thing, especially if you have been planning and hoping for a pregnancy for a while. What causes it? Was it something preventable? Let’s explore those questions.

Mayo Clinic defines miscarriage as the spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the 20th week. Although unfortunate, miscarriages are a common experience. Some symptoms may include:

Vaginal spotting or bleeding (although spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy is fairly common)

Pain or cramping in your abdomen or lower back
Fluid or tissue passing from your vagina

When a woman develops an infection that leads to a miscarriage, symptoms may include:

Body aches
Vaginal discharge that's thick and has a foul odor

If you start experiencing any of the above, it’s time to see the doctor. It is even advisable to take some of the tissue that was passed to the doctor’s office. This helps the doctor to confirm whether your symptoms are related to a tubal pregnancy or not.

Just what causes it?

According to the Mayo Clinic, most miscarriages happen because the fetus is not developing normally. However, there are instances where the mother has a medical condition that may lead to a miscarriage, such as uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid disease, infections, hormonal problems and uterus or cervix problems. Miscarriages are not caused by exercise, lifting or straining, sex or working.

Finally, there are risk factors that increase the chances of a miscarriage:

Age – particularly women 35 and older
Having had more than two previous miscarriages
Having a chronic condition
Having uterine or cervical problems
Smoking, alcohol and illicit drug-use
Invasive prenatal testing

After a miscarriage, you will physically heal much quicker than emotionally. Give yourself time to grieve and seek help if needed. Most times, there is nothing a woman can do to prevent a miscarriage. The next time you prepare for a pregnancy, remember to continue such things as scheduling and keeping prenatal care and avoiding habits like smoking and drinking. If you have a chronic condition, work hard to stabilize it. And most of all, try to relax and enjoy every moment of your new pregnancy.

Resource: Mayo Clinic

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer and poet. Please enjoy a poem from her book entitled, Red Toenails - http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/red-toenails/6181258?productTrackingContext=search_results/search_shelf/center/1:


scared to set free this love inside
thou art shaky my dear one
let me tell you what I know
the butterflies impeding your travels
telling you to curve your steps
to look both ways and always knock
before crossing the threshold
test and see
encircle the fear
call it names
until it whimpers quietly
in the corner of your mind

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