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When is the best age for a woman to have sex for the first time?

By October 25, 2010 - 10:14pm
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Hi Miyama

No one can answer this question for you. Only you know what is best for you, physically and emotionally.

Some thoughts are that you need to be mature enough to handle the repercussions of sex, such as using birth control and the possibility of becoming pregnant. You should be with someone you love and trust, who wouldn't push you into doing anything you aren't comfortable with. You must never let someone else push you or control you or touch you unless you have given permission.

I guess my main thought is you are ready when you feel at peace with the idea and look forward to having sex, and are not too immature to deal with the consequences. The first time you have sex, there is often a very strong emotional bond to the person you are with. That can be hard later if you break up.

In the end, only you can say you are ready.
Thank you for writing, and I wish you the very best of luck.

October 26, 2010 - 6:38am
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