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Sleep disorder (Feeling unhappy and stressed after even a long sleep of 12 hrs.

By Anonymous January 22, 2011 - 9:28pm
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If you are able to sleep for 12 hours, you would not have a sleep disorder from this symptom alone. Waking up feeling unhappy and stressed can be related to any number of causes, most notably depression or anxiety. You can also just be going through a rough time right now (and not be clinically depressed; you can be sad, unhappy and stressed without a medical condition).

You are waking up unhappy and stressed; do you know why? Have you had any major life event occur recently, or are you feeling unhappy without a known reason? Are you able to manage your stress, or are you feeling that it is overwhelming? Do you have any friends or family that you can talk to about feeling unhappy, or do you feel like you need to talk with a counselor?

January 23, 2011 - 7:37am
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