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Minor scoliosis problem

By Anonymous June 15, 2011 - 10:58pm
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i am 27 year old man, i recently knew that i have scoliosis, though i noticed long ago that my left shoulder is lower than right, i ahve been practiceing Ashtaga yoga, it seems to help, its getting better, but i also have pain in my neck muscles, and sometimes that muscles pain gives me headache as well, i want to know if its because of my scoliosis or something else?

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for your question! Scoliosis can cause chronic back pain if left untreated for years. So, it is very possible that the pain on your neck radiates and then causes headaches. However, a headache is such a general symptom that it shouldn't just be attributed to the scoliosis-- I would suggest that if you're having intense headaches you see your specialist and have him/her determine whether the headaches are from the Scoliosis or from something else.

Here are some other symptoms you may have that have been associated with Scoliosis:

Uneven shoulders
Prominent shoulder blade or ribs
Uneven waist
An elevated hip
Leaning to one side
Chronic back pain (usually only if left untreated for several years)

All the best,


June 16, 2011 - 8:12am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

Thank you very much, sorry i forgot to write my name, My name is Aryan,
the extra symptoms you wrote here exactly same things are in my body, fortunetaly no back pain, but yes, uneven shoulder and other ones,
my headache is not very bad, but i know it comes only when i feel pain in my neck muscles.
I am a yoga teacher, and been working on it, do you have any tips i can use to get rid of my Scoliosis?
Thanks again
Aryan :)

June 16, 2011 - 8:38am
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