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mi gf is suffering from PID and i'm worried whether it's due to an sti. I'm sincere and devoted to onli one gal and that's her. If she's an sti infected pid then is she infidel??? i'm thinking to commit suicide because i can't bear the results of sti

By Anonymous August 2, 2014 - 10:18am
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Hi Anon,

Thank you for sharing your question with EmpowHER! I understand this is a stressful situation, but it necessary that you know we are here to help you and that your life is important and meaningful to so many.

An STI can be caused by a variety of things. As you and your girlfriend are committed to each other, an STI does not necessarily mean infidelity. Sometimes an STI may not show up for many years and may be from a previous relationship. Have you and your girlfriend visited the doctor yet to get the PID checked out? I highly suggest visiting a doctor. They will be able to give you the most thorough diagnosis of the PID, it's cause, etc. Although it is common for a PID to connected to a STI, that is not always the case. According to sandyford.org, a PID is not always sexually transmitted. Visiting a doctor with your girlfriend will help give the best information about her condition.

It is also very important to keep the conversation with your girlfriend open. While she is experiencing this PID it is very important to be open to one another and discuss the condition. Please know that  your life is important and that this situation, no matter how difficult, can be worked through. Talk to your family members and friends, they will be able to help you through this. It is very important to share your feelings and concerns with your loved ones during this time. You can also try calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for more support.

Please know we are here for you are your life and happiness are very important to us. Keep me updated and please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


August 3, 2014 - 12:08am
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