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I have cramping sore, nipples.. n a bit emotional.. but I'm confused cus the last time I had sex was mid-cycle when it went away for the day.. when should I test for pregnancy?

By August 2, 2010 - 12:37pm
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so I got my period on the 17th of July 2010.. me n my ex had sex on the 20th early morning cus it had gone away for a day like it has been for awhile now..I normally get a heavy period again the next day.. it was lighter this time n went away again on Thursday 22nd n spotted on Friday 23rd.. around the 27th I started getting cramps n they got worser as the days went by until about the 31st.. so we r now in Aug n my nipples r feeling sensitive n my belly feels like I have butterflies in them n a bit of cramping still n I'm not due for my period until the 14th of August.. mind u my period came 2 days early in July.. so when would be the best day to test for pregnancy? I normally cramp a week b4 my period starts n this time I cramped jus b4 my period started n again now 2 weeks early

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Hi K

The usual recommendation is to that you should wait until a week after your missed period to take a home pregnancy test. Given the timing you discussed, maybe you could test at the end of this month if you don't get your period on time. Here is a link from the CDC: menstrual cycle, possible pregnancy, home pregnancy test.

Good luck and thank you for writing.

August 3, 2010 - 5:38pm
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