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how do i control my mood swings

By Anonymous January 16, 2010 - 7:49am
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I am 47 years old and have started going through the monopause,the biggest problem i have so far is that my moods are totally irrational and scare me as they are affecting me in my work place and the relationships I have built up with my work colleagues and bosses over the years. I always want to lash out and say things to be nasty no matter who the person is. My husband doesn't understand and I feel he is scared of me too.I want to pack up and move on but I know this would solve not hing

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Menopause and mood swings are pretty common. You may feel like your 'off your rocker' at times and this is all okay. I know that this is frustrating for you and the people around you so let's see what we can do to help you deal with these emotional feelings.

During menopause, your body no longer ovulates so this causes your hormones to go up and down. As your hormones spiral out of control, so does your mental stability. If you are experiencing stress at the same time, your mental stability can feel 'out of control'.

What you should do is try and get yourself back into control. Know your body, know that these feelings you have are not you, and try to gain control. Exercise and eating right will be one way to regain 'YOUR SANITY' as well as trying to maintain a healthy stress less life – try to incorporate some sort of Yoga or deep breathing into your life. The feelings you have are almost like you are completely stressed out but in all reality it is your body going through menopause.

There are some treatments and drugs that your physician can prescribe for you and for more information, click on the Mayo Clinic's website here http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/menopause/DS00119/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs.

Some other natural things you can do (homeopathy) can be found here from Everyday Health http://www.everydayhealth.com/menopause/menopause-herbal-therapies.aspx.

I hope this information helps and also sharing your concerns with your husband and boss can help also. Since, they may not understand what you are going through, sharing your concerns may be helpful with their understanding as well.

Please keep us updated on your progress, we look forward to your success.

January 16, 2010 - 9:55am
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