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had scoliosis surgery and now im pregnant

By Anonymous December 16, 2011 - 4:08pm
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i am around a month pregnant and i had scoliosis surgery a few years ago and had 2 rods implanted in my back due to severe scoliosis (s curve). I am now having bad pain in my back especially my spine, my rib cages and abdominal pains. what is going on??! please give me advice and any other information you many have involving pregnancy and scoliosis.

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Have you seen an obstetrician yet? If you are only in the first month of your pregnancy, it is very early for the developing fetus to put weight on your spine.

I do not know what is causing your symptoms. Have you ever had this type of pain before? Does any thing make the pain better or worse? How long have you been the pain?

If you have not begun prenatal care with an obstetrician, call your primary care physician. Tell your doctor about your symptoms.

Here is the link to the EmpowHer Scoliosis page: ]]>https://www.empowher.com/condition/scoliosis. ]]>


December 16, 2011 - 5:58pm
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