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Don't know why my period won't start?

By August 27, 2017 - 2:20pm
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Hello! My last period was on July 28th and I had sex one the 3rd and 7th of July with a condom and the condom did not break or slip. I also had sex aroubd august 16th and my period was suppose to start on the 19th of August. However during this time I had to give 15 vitals of blood because my doctor said that my hemoglobin levels were low so they ran tests which stresses me out and it turns out I have iron deficiency anemia and also I have thalamus (low red blood cells) and also I started taking birth control 2 weeks ago and I just started college. I took 2 pregnancy tests a couple days ago and they both came out negative so I am scared I could be pregnant

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Hi again.

Thank you for posting.

We have helped you on this subject many times. You have taken pregnancy tests and don't seem to believe the results. At this point, we are just repeating the same information over and over. It's best to contact your doctor about your menstrual cycle concerns.


August 27, 2017 - 2:50pm
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