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By Anonymous May 5, 2011 - 5:10am
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Last Month I took Plan B. It made my period come a week late. After my period I've experience cramps everyday. For the first few days I thought the cramps were because I was getting rid of old blood. Because I would have brownish discharge in my underwear. And then I would continue to have cramps afterward. I think I'm ovulating now so I think that explains the cramps I'm having now. But why and I'm having this cramps and is it something more serious. It's mild annoying cramps.

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Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. I did not see cramping as a side effect of taking emergency contraception. You may want to call your doctor's office and see what they suggest. It likely could be normal middle-menstrual cycle pain, but it never hurts to verify for your own peace of mind.
For more information, please review this article: Emergency Contraception Update, 2010.
Good luck, and let us know what you find out.

May 5, 2011 - 7:55am
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