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Chest pain as a symptom of AS

By November 8, 2010 - 10:07am
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I've had AS for 15 years now (I'm 30) and this year the chest pain has been getting worse and more frequent. I experience tenderness, sharp pains and I feel like there is pressure on my chest and that I don't have much room to breathe. It comes and goes, and is sometimes more constant - for a day or a few days - but it is quite distressing. I'd be interested in knowing other people's experience of the chest pain. Thanks.

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I have had symptoms of AS for 25 years now and am just starting to get diagnosed. So many specialists, tests, doctors - on the one hand I'm glad to be getting answers, on the other....
One of my first symptoms was chest pain. Sharp, behind the right breast usually and lasting 10-90 seconds at a time. I went to a cardiologist and wore a 24 hour halter monitor and found it not to be cardiac in origin. Only since my research into AS have I found that 'rib cage' pain is common.

December 14, 2010 - 9:44am
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to ShellyraeRN)

Thanks for sharing that information, ShellyraeRN. That's very helpful. Hope you are receiving the care you need now that you have your diagnosis. Pat

December 14, 2010 - 6:18pm
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