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Cervical mucus/vaginal discharge

By July 29, 2013 - 8:31pm
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Ive been taking birth control for three months now and I have noticed that I get egg white cervical fluid for two weeks before I begin the placebo pills and then during the first few days before my period begins. Is it normal to get egg white discharge before your period on the pill or could this be a result of excess estrogen? Is it normal to have discharge while on the pill because it's supposed to reduce discharge? I hope you'll be able to answer these questions with the information I've provided.

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Hi Emily,


Welcome to EmpowHER. Combination birth control pills also cause changes in the cervical mucus and the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to keep sperm from joining the egg.It is a similar effect to that seen in pregnancy when estrogen levels rise naturally. As long as there’s no other symptoms. Such as burning, itching or any discomfort, it’s most likely caused by the pill.  It’s still important to let your doctor know of any new symptom you are experiencing with your medication. 





July 30, 2013 - 4:23am
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