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Am i pregnant ?

By Anonymous October 16, 2017 - 8:21pm
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Hello, recently my boyfriend and I (since july) have been having unprotected sex resulting in him finishing inside of me each time. We have sex about 1-2 times a day, but, since July I still have been getting my period:( how am I not pregnant yet?

Ive been checking/tracking my ovulation days and we have had sex on everyday of my ovulation, which makes me confused and a bit worried why Im not pregnant. My periods are a bit irregular, my last periods were the first week of sept, til the 8th, and the one I just had started on sept 26th, til the first of oct. Little weird I know lol.

are my irregular periods the reason why Im not pregnant?

also, ive been having abdonem cramping and excessive gas. this started a few days ago (pain is relieved by passing the gas not sure if thats a sign of pregnancy or not!) and my nipples feel a bit tingly when touched. Not sore or anything, but they do feel a bit different when touched.

Any advice or input would help a lot. thank you!

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

A woman has about a 15-20% chance of pregnancy every month. The average couple will conceive within about 6 months, with some taking up to a year. You have been trying for three months so give yourself a little more time.
A woman with an irregular period may have a harder time getting pregnant, of course, due to not knowing when ovulation will occur.
We can't diagnose why you have gas and abdominal discomfort - it could be digestive in nature.
Keep trying for the next few months, make sure you have sex every OTHER day from day 10 of your cycle to day 20. If you have had no success in 6 months, talk to your doctor.
Good luck!

October 17, 2017 - 4:10am
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