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Denise Shares Advice For Women Suffering With Ankylosing Spondylitis (VIDEO)

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Denise provides advice for women who are also suffering from the autoimmune condition ankylosing spondylitis.

I’d say, number one: know your body. Know that you have an autoimmune disorder and that means that everything you put in your body is going to affect your ability to live your life. So whether it’s a medication, it’s a food, it’s a chemical you are using to clean your house with–whatever it is, your immune system is already compromised because you’ve got this disease.

So you have got to give it space to deal with what it’s got. You start adding prescription medicines or things that are already taxing the system on top of it, you are asking for losing more ground, falling backwards, not getting where you want to be, which is free and clear, in remission, able to live your life without any trouble.

So you must, must know what your body can tolerate, and at any time that you feel that a doctor’s prescription is in some way making it harder for you to live your life, you have to question it. “What is this really doing to me?”

My experience was that they gave me a drug, which was supposed to help but ended up giving me ulcerative colitis which turns out to be an adjunct to an autoimmune disorder, but I didn’t know that at the time. That hadn’t been given to me as information because I wasn’t looking; I was trying to just make my way the best I could through every day. You absolutely have to know. You absolutely have to be aware of what you are doing to yourself. That’s what I would say.

I am Denise, and I have shared my story of suffering through ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disorder, with EmpowHer. I’d love for you to share your stories as well.

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