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Half the Fat in Super Bowl Snacks: New Twists on 5 Old Favorites

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The Super Bowl is just around the corner, and even if you don’t love football, everyone loves the food (well … and the commercials). But the problem isn’t that your team didn’t make it this year, no, the problem is the snacks.

Super Bowl food is notoriously dense, greasy, fatty and worst of all, served in huge portions. 

While it’s hard for any avid snacker to resist the goodies that seem to tag along the back-side of the game every year, there’s no reason why you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

These easy, fast and healthy recipes can help stop you from becoming a couch potato by half time!


1) Hot Wings

buffalo wings
Via Kevin Marsh/Flickr

Hot wings are one of the most popular, and arguably, most fattening food that have become a football necessity in the homes of Americans. These morsels are tiny but deadly, from the fried skin to the pool of butter and hot sauce they sit in, needless to say they pack a high caloric punch. 

But the masterminds at Bodybuilding.com have come up with a solution. These wings are boiled and then crisped in the oven to give you the same snack you know and love with less fat.  If traditional hot wings aren’t your style, don’t worry; they also have recipes for teriyaki, brown sugar spice, honey Dijon and coriander lime wings here


2) Spinach Artichoke Dip

artichoke dip
Via HimmelrichPR/Flickr

Spinach may have given Popeye muscles, but in this dip all it’s going to give you is a belly. Spinach Artichoke Dip is commonly mistaken as a healthy side,but just because the name has vegetables in it, doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

The cream base and amount of dense ingredients can make just one spoonful cost you hundreds of calories, with one moderately sized serving packing in upwards of 2,000 calories (the TOTAL recommended daily value). 

By substituting the cream base for a nonfat Greek yogurt you can cut the cholesterol in half, cut the fat by 56 percent AND have 40 percent less sodium. And this allows you to serve a deliciously healthy dish (and no one will know it’s different). You can find out how to wow the crowd with this here.

3) Six-Layer Bean Dip

six layer bean dip
Via Wikipedia

Beans are high in protein and fiber to keep you and your digestive tract happy. But when they are covered in layers and layers of sour cream, cheese and guacamole, you end up feeling heavy and overly full.

Instead of globbing on the sour cream like it’s nobody’s business, try simple substitutes like replacing the refried beans with black beans and low-fat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream or cream cheese.  This “Skinny” 7-layer dip recipe can be found here

4) Chile Con Queso

chili con queso

Via Maureen Didde/Flickr

Nothing screams fat and calories like a big bowl of cheese and greasy meat. I mean, what’s not to like? The big bowl of warm, smooth cheese and powerful flavor has worked its way into people’s hearts. 

Instead of disappointing your cheese-loving game day pals, try a new take on an old-time favorite by following the recipe from EatingWell here.  Cutting the calories in half and the fat by 60 percent never tasted so good. 

For the meat aficionados out there, add lean ground turkey breast to your saucepan (and cook through) to give your guests a low-fat flavor experience. 


5) Beefy Texas Chili

beefy texas chili

Via Wikipedia

Chili was always a staple in my house growing up. As my dad says, “It’s brown, warm, and feeds a lot of people.” 

Wel,l regardless of its tasty nature, “brown” and “warm” aren’t typically words you would associate with a healthy or lean meal. 

Luckily the people at CookingLight have given a modern and healthy “makeover” to this old time favorite. Who would have thought you could cut 70 percent of the calories and fat, while keeping the flavor. You can find the recipe for this beefy “Springfield” Chili here


Super Bowl Menu Must Haves: 5 Healthy Chicken Wing Recipes. Bodybuilding.com. Retrieved Jan. 28,2015.


Skinny Spinach and Artichoke Dip Recipe. Natashaskitchen.com. Retrieved Jan. 28,2015.


Skinny 7 Layer Dip Recipe. ifoodreal.com. Retrieved Jan. 28,2015


Chile Con Queso. Eatingwell.com. Retrieved Jan. 28,2015.


Springfield Chilli. myrecipes.com. Retrieved Jan. 28,2015. 

Reviewed January 29, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RNa,
Edited by Jody Smith

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