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How Does Menopause Affect A Woman's Sleep? - Dr. Brazinski (VIDEO)

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Dr. Brazinsky shares how menopause can affect a woman's sleep.

Dr. Brazinsky:
Hormonal changes are a big problem for women in lots of things. There are sleeping disorders associated with premenopausal syndrome, PMS, where women don’t sleep well during that period, thought to be related to hormonal fluxes.

Perimenopausal women with low estrogen levels tend to sleep poorly and hormone replacement will sometimes fix that. If you read a textbook it tells you that is the fix it of it all. I see lots of patients who will come back and you put them on hormone replacement therapy, it doesn’t fix it but it’s certainly one of the things you would try to do with the patient.

Postmenopausal, we start to see more and more sleep apnea in patients and that becomes more of a problem than hormone replacement is in the menopausal.

About Dr. Shari Brazinsky, M.D.:
Dr. Shari Anne Brazinsky is a pulmonary critical care physician at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, California as a member of the Pulmonary Medicine and Infectious Disease Medical Group. She was named one of San Diego’s 2008 top pulmonary disease doctors for the third time by San Diego Magazine.

Visit Dr. Brazinsky at Alvarado Hospital


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