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Are vitamins safe to be taking and if so which ones?

By September 1, 2014 - 12:52pm
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I am a 22 year old woman in good health. I started taking fish oil, vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc for my skin because I had really bad acne. I tried a bunch of strong acne medications from the dermatologist and nothing worked so I thought I would give vitamins and a lot of water a try. It has really really helped my skin however I started adding more and more vitamins in the passed few months because I keep hearing people say certain vitamins are good for you. For example "Flaxseed oil is good for brain functioning" and "women need a lot of calcium for their bones" and "Lysine will make your cold soars on your lip go away". I am just curious as to what vitamins a 22 year old woman in good health (however I do struggle with generalized anxiety disorder) should be taking, if any?

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Hi Catherine5655!

Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community! 

Vitamins are really good for you as not all of our diets provide what our bodies need. Especially with all the processed foods on the market which strip away vital nutrients. A multi vitamin is a great choice as long as it is one that promises to deliver the vitamins. Be sure to choose a brand that carries the seal of USP or NSF so that you know it is a quality vitamin that will actually be absorbed by your body, not just passed through. Here is a great article from the EmpowHER community about vitamins and their role in being healthy.


You sound really healthy and that you are on top of things. Have you talked to your doctor about taking vitamins with GAD? 

Here is an article I came across that has information about nutrients and herbs for those who suffer from GAD. Hope this helps!


Catherine5655, I would definitely run by any vitamins you want to take with your doctor that treats you for GAD. The safest route is to talk to your doctor before taking anything.

Does this help?



September 1, 2014 - 1:12pm
(reply to kristincaliendo)

Yes! Thank you, your information is very helpful!

September 1, 2014 - 1:16pm
Guide (reply to Catherine5655)

Your welcome!!

September 2, 2014 - 12:50pm
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