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5 Ways to Tackle Anxiety

By HERWriter
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Girl Edited by Lauren Intrieri

Change happens. Opportunities arise and sometimes you know you have to take them, even if they put you out of your comfort zone. Along with new and exciting changes can come stress and anxiety. Right before you’re about to take that jump into the opportunity pool, you might start to feel those knots in your stomach, lightness in your head, and a feeling that you aren’t as capable as you originally thought you were.

Anxiety can be triggered by a change in your job, change in living arrangements, work stress, or it could even be hereditary. Here are some tips to help calm your anxiety when experiencing change and for when you can’t help but feel anxious.

Prepare in Advance:

The unfamiliar can make anyone feel uncomfortable. Trying to prepare in advance for change can help tame some of your nerves. If you’re moving to a new place, try exploring the area before relocating. If you’re starting a new job, email your future employer with any questions that might be keeping you up at night. The more prepared and comfortable you feel, the less you have to worry about.

Give Yourself a Pep-talk:

This might seem odd but it is completely normal. Talking to yourself can help clear up your thoughts and can help you make decisions quicker. Giving your self a pep-talk is also a great way to boost your confidence. On your way to your new job, tell yourself things like “You got this” and “You’re going to do great.” Reassure yourself that you can tackle what ever is coming your way. If you try to feel confident, you’ll become confident.

Share Your Worries:

Whether it’s your mom or a friend, talk to someone about your concerns with these new changes. Once you let out the thoughts that are causing you anxiety, you are going to feel a thousand times lighter. Make sure you talk to someone who is willing to listen and who cares about you. They might even give you advice on what to do and help put your worried mind at ease.

Focus on the positives:

It is easy to only focus on the negatives of a situation when you’re nervous about it. This will tear down your confidence and only make you more anxious. Go with your gut feeling. If you feel like this is something that you have to do, do it. Making a list of only positives before starting this new phase will relieve you of your anxious thoughts. Seeing all of the things that could go right in front of you will make you feel excited about what is to come.

Go do it:

Anxiety has the ability to hold you back from doing things but don’t let it. You can trick your mind into thinking that you can’t start that new internship or move away from your loved ones. Once you get over the mountain and go do what you set out to do, you’ll become more comfortable and your anxiety will slowly fade away. Everyone is different and adjusts to things at their own pace so don’t worry if it takes longer than you hoped to become comfortable. You’ll look back and realize that you had nothing to worry about.

Editing Note: This article did not filter through the normal EmpowHER editing and fact checking process. It was checked for spelling and grammar.

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