In this, the 4th and final part on our series of articles dealing with one’s core, the muscles involved, and how to strengthen them, we will discuss the importance of having a strong core. If you have any questions you can contact, the author of this article, Scott Keppel at any time.


• Help reduce strain on the spine. All powerful movements originate from the core and work their way out to the extremities.
• Training the core can correct postural imbalances.
• Biggest advantage is the strength and conditioning it has in functional (everyday life) fitness.
• The core is strengthened more effectively when the torso works as one unit: both front and back muscles contract simultaneously.
• Doing abs alone is not good enough to strengthen your core. You must strengthen all the muscles!
• If you have excess body fat you will not see a “six-pack”! Doing abs will not give you a “six-pack”! Diet and cardio are essential to losing the body fat over the muscle to allow the “six-pack” to be visible.