I had the opportunity to hear Senator Russ Feingold talk today at a luncheon in Madison. Before the lunch he asked me, “What are you hearing? What are your people thinking about the health care issue?”

He’s worried the public will to do something about health care is waning. The people who are showing up at town hall meetings are indicating they don’t want to see any changes to the system.

Is that what you want?

It isn’t what I want. I’ve been excited by the idea of improving our health care system and would be very disappointed if this opportunity went by without any significant change.

Our family is lucky, we have great insurance and I don’t want that to change - no one is really suggesting we completely abandon the current system, but it certainly doesn’t work for everyone. I know friends who have insurance, but can’t use it because of huge deductibles or co-pays. Self-employed people often go without coverage, because no company will cover them at an affordable price. Parents of children with birth defects are often bankrupted due to limits on care. If you think all Americans should have access to quality health care, you should care about health care reform.

If Clay lost his job, and his insurance, my heart health history would make it very difficult and expensive to find coverage. If you believe everyone, regardless of their past health history, should be able to get coverage, you should care about health care reform.

For those of us who own or work for small businesses, a major illness of one member of the group can make a plan unaffordable for everyone. If you think it makes more sense to spread the risk across a large group in a public plan, you should care about health care reform.

If you think the current insurance system puts the focus on profit rather than providing quality care, you should care about health care reform.

What should you do?

My years of advocating for research funding and issues related to heart health has taught me an e-mail or a phone call does make a difference. If you feel strongly about any of these issues, contact your US Senator and your member of Congress. Congressional offices track the opinions of the people they serve. If you want your representatives to stand up and fight, let them know you care and have their back. If your representative doesn’t agree with your point of view, politely explain and let them know where you stand.

Change only happens when people have the will to make something different. Help your legislator find the will.

Find your Senator or Member of Congress at these links. Congress is just now coming back from the August break and will be taking up this issue. If you care, and you should, do something about it!


Get valuable information in Eliz’s new book, The Busy Woman’s Guide to a Healthy Heart, or in her Award Winning Blog.

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Eliz Greene survived a massive heart attack while seven-months pregnant with twins, struggled to lose the 80 pounds gained during her pregnancy, and searched for a way to hold on to the perspective and passion she found in her near-death experience. Drawing on her background as an adaptive movement specialist, Eliz developed simple strategies and tips to help other busy women be more active, eat better and manage your stress.