Many people with ME/CFS have found some relief through the use of the Energy Envelope theory. The Energy Envelope theory posits that an individual with ME/CFS has a small amount of energy available and needs to be aware of just how much energy they can afford to expend before experiencing physical and cognitive repercussions.

The key is to use up only a portion of that available energy, so that the body can use the remainder for healing.

ME stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis. CFS stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Staci Stevens and Dr. Ken Friedberg maintain that most people with myalgic encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are using too much energy on a day to day basis to their detriment.

"Breaking lifestyle patterns can be brutally difficult even when your body is screaming at you to stop. There are many reasons most ME/CFS patients are living outside of their physiological safety zones; financial reasons preclude many from cutting back at work enough. The desires to contribute or to not to be a burden are powerful ones that are inevitably caught up in our feelings of self-worth."