Encouraging your favorite fellow to live a healthier lifestyle can help him stay in good shape.

There are a number of simple things men can do that might make a difference in their health. Many can be done in less than five minutes.

1) Remind your guy to wash his hands

How many times have you seen your guy leave the bathroom way too fast to have really washed his hands? Or seen him sit down to a meal without washing up?

Hang a sign on the toilet, or put a sticky note where he sits at the table, reminding him that washing his hands is the simplest thing he can do to avoid getting sick.

2) Men need sunscreen just like everyone else

Urging him to wear sunscreen during the hottest times of the day, and to wear a hat to cover a head that may have thinning hair, are big steps forward in helping your man avoid skin cancer.

Encourage your guy to inspect his skin after showers to look for any lumps, rashes, sores or discolorations that warrant being checked by a dermatologist.

3) Urge him to wear safety gear during sporting activities

Guys sometimes think they are too tough to wear a helmet, gloves, eye protection or even seat belts. It only takes a moment for an injury to occur.

And don’t forget to remind your man to wear a life jacket when out in a boat or canoe. According to the CDC, 80 percent of drowning victims are males, and 88 percent of boating death victims were not wearing life jackets.

4) Suggest that he protect his hearing

People underestimate how listening to excessively loud sound can take a toll on the nerves responsible for hearing. Noise-induced hearing loss or tinnitus can develop, which cannot be reversed. Encourage the man in your life to wear hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs when he is around noise that is above safe levels.

5) Encourage him to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is hard, but the intensity of the urge to smoke often passes after a few minutes. Encourage your man to try and focus on other activities when those cravings hit. Suggest that he drink a glass of water or pop a lollipop in his mouth.

There is no safe amount of smoking that one can be exposed to. Quitting entirely is the best course of action.

6) Know the symptoms of a heart attack

No one wants to admit they might be having a heart attack. Learn the symptoms with your man so that you can call 911 immediately, and get medical help.

The five major symptoms of a heart attack are 2:

- Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back

- Feeling weak, light-headed or faint

- Chest pain or discomfort

- Pain or discomfort in arms or shoulder

- Shortness of breath


1) Five Minutes (or Less) for Health. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieived June 15, 2015.

2) Symptoms of a Heart Attack. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieived June 15, 2015.

Michele is an R.N. freelance writer with a special interest in woman’s healthcare and quality of care issues.

Edited by Jody Smith