A wide array of stories were shared in EmpowHER's community this week. Women talked about falling asleep without sleeping pills, treating anemia and the phases of weight loss. Do you have a health story that you would like to share? Post your blog post to our community so that other women can read and reflect on your personal experiences and stories.

Here are some of our top blog posts in the EmpowHER community this week.

Six Non-Pill Methods for Better Sleep

Via UnSplash

From the blog: “Want to fall asleep faster without reaching for your usual dose of sleeping pills? You are not alone. Over nine million Americans face difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep during the night. This leads to them using prescriptions medication despite the fact that experts have thrown their effectiveness into the question. In addition, they point out the health risk for those who have been on pills for a while."

Anemia in Women, What Causes It and How to Treat It

Via Pexels

From the blog: “It is quite unfortunate for women that anemia is most common in them. Pregnant and non-pregnant women are greatly affected by this condition and the global database of anemia patients shows this. There are countries in the world where more than 50 percent of the pregnant women have this condition. Not even the most developed countries are safe from this and there are great numbers of women who suffer from this condition in these developed countries too."

Top Three Health Benefits of Bone Broth of 2016

Via Pexels

From the blog: "Bone broth has been around for decades. True to the saying, 'what is old is new again', modern culture is finally making our great grandmothers laugh their hearts out because this diet is still trending. Scientific studies on this diet have contributed to its popularity among trained chefs and diet enthusiasts. It was meant to be an ancient food meant for traditional culture. We are not ready to part with it any time soon because of its health benefits unless scientists and reviewers tell us otherwise."

6 Phases of Weight Loss and Regain

Via Pexels

From the blog: "People with obesity who are struggling to lose weight go through six common phases that are accompanied by a set of shared beliefs, experiences, attitudes and emotions, according to recent research findings. Classified as a disease by the American Medical Association in 2013, obesity impacts nearly 80 million adults in the United States. , This research uncovered a Weight-Loss Cycle paradigm that helps explain the chronic nature of obesity. "

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