It might be time to add another supplement to your overcrowded collection of vitamins and minerals: magnesium. This one deserves a spot next to iron, vitamin D, and calcium. Most people suffer from magnesium deficiency, also called hypomagnesemia, but it is commonly overlooked.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is involved in hundreds of different functions in the body. It helps maintain and regulate proper nerve and muscle function, immune system, heart health, blood sugar levels, bone health, and more.1 This essential mineral does it all.

In the past we relied on food sources to consume our daily magnesium intake, however, today’s food supply falls short of providing enough magnesium for millions of Americans. In a study it was found that 75% of the American population is not meeting their recommended daily amount of magnesium.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:

1. Headaches & Migraines

Low magnesium levels can cause all kinds of uncomfortable headaches. From tension headaches to migraines. Many people ditch the over the counter painkillers and take magnesium supplements to treat their headaches.

The American Migraine Foundation suggests taking a 400-500 mg supplement of magnesium oxide daily to prevent headaches & migraines.

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2. Insomnia

To fall and stay asleep your body and mind need to calm down and relax. This can be a real challenge for millions who suffer from insomnia. With all the daily stressors and things out of our control, going into sleep mode seems impossible.

Magnesium activates the parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for getting the body and mind calm. 2

One study in mice showed that healthy levels of magnesium are needed for adequate sleep and too high and too low of levels can cause sleep disturbances.

This Natural Calm anti-stress drink mix is a popular sleep aid/anxiety relief supplement and has thousands of 5-star reviews.

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3. Muscle Aches & Cramps

There are not too many studies with sufficient evidence that magnesium helps with muscle cramps however some people swear by this mineral to relieve muscle aches & pains.

If you have leg cramps and muscle spasms specifically during the night, trying magnesium supplements might help with the issue.

Soaking in a tub before bedtime with magnesium bath flakes can also help soothe sore muscles and relax.

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4. Fatigue

Physical or mental fatigue could be caused by magnesium deficiency.

However, fatigue is a very common symptom of other underlying health problems and the degree of fatigue can vary from person to person.

Magnesium is essential for energy production and without it, your body will have low energy. 3

5. Constipation

Have you ever gone two days without a bowel movement and thought to yourself, hmm that’s weird. What the heck is going on?

Magnesium might just be the cure for your constipation. Magnesium is a helpful stool softener.

6. Osteoporosis

If you grew up before the 2000s, you probably have ingrained in your memory, “Drink milk for strong bones!” Our parents told us that we needed to drink milk for the calcium.
These days people seem to be taking calcium supplements instead of gulping down big glasses of milk.

Magnesium doesn’t come to most people minds when thinking about bone strength, however, calcium cannot do its job without magnesium.3 Magnesium is important for strengthening bones to support muscles.

7. Anxiety

Magnesium helps to improve brain function and regulates neurotransmitters. Studies have found that magnesium can reduce anxiety. It can be effective in treating different kinds of anxiety from premenstrual syndrome to generalized anxiety disorder.

Magnesium Rich Foods

If magnesium supplements are not appealing to you, try consuming more foods that contain high levels of magnesium.

Below are some magnesium-rich foods.4

Nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts)
Peanut Butter