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A few years ago, I developed adult-onset asthma; most likely from a lifetime of allergies and living in urban environments. I try not to let it affect my day to day activities and manage it as best I can. I also found that once I hit the age of 50, I began developing all kinds of nagging injuries -- torn meniscus, a couple of broken toes, a tear in my rotator cuff... maybe my body is sending a message to slow down?
It's not the concept of menopause that troubles me – it's a natural part of the life cycle. However, I can definitely do without the hot flashes and night sweats! Oh, and the "senior moments" (or what I call brain freeze). Way too much of that lately. Overworked, overstressed, fluctuating hormones... thank goodness for yoga. Namaste.

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New York, NY US

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

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