"Your thyroid gland can be described as your body’s throttle or accelerator, as the thyroid hormone it produces speeds up the metabolism of your cells. There is an old medical saying that 'just a few grams of thyroid hormone can make the difference between an idiot and an Einstein'. Well it’s true, as thyroid hormone really determines the tempo of mental and physical life. Thyroid hormone functions like a thermostat, as it speeds up cellular metabolism, and some of the cellular energy is released as heat."

An underactive thyroid can instigate all sorts of problems with your health. It isn't making enough thyroid hormone, causing myxedema. Myxedema slows things down to the point that negative mental and physical changes begin to appear.

Dr. Sandra Cabot provides a list of possible effects from a sluggish thyroid. This list is the stuff of everyday life in our society. Fortunately, Dr. Cabot also offers an equally extensive list of suggestions that can help you keep or reclaim a healthy thyroid gland.
