There are so many myths about sex floating around today that it can cause many young women to be confused.

In addition, there are even more myths about sexually transmitted diseases and what they can mean to a woman if by chance she happens to contract one at some point in her life. As most people know, the best way not to contract an STD is abstinence but since this is highly unlikely in our very sexual culture, we have to give people the information and tools to help them make the right decision. The true fact is this, anyone who engages in sex can and is susceptible to getting an STD. It only takes one sexual encounter for this to happen. Being knowledgeable can be helpful to prevention and seeking out the best cures if needed.

Women need to know that it is always best to use a condom when having sex with a new partner. It may even be a good idea to use a condom at all times no matter how long you have known someone. You can never be too careful with your health. Also, many young girls who think oral sex is not sex, may not feel the need to be careful. One of the most popular myths is the assumption that you cannot get infected through oral sex. Oral sex, although not intercourse is in fact part of the sexual act and since bodily fluids are being transferred it is important to be careful. Some other myths are included in the following link:

Research and familiarize yourself with as much information as possible. The goal in life is good sexual health and the prevention of STDS. Don’t just believe myths about this important subject. Ask questions, talk to your doctor and always protect yourself. It could save your life.