Pain management in a case of sciatica can be tricky and requires patience and a high threshold for pain. And although there are methods to relieve your pain, it is imperative to know the difference between conventional and alternative methods to give you the knowledge to make the best decision possible for you.

As far as conventional methods go, pain medication and anti-inflammatories are the standard. And in a severe and chronic case of sciatica, an epidural steroid injection – yes, the numbing drug that women in labor are injected with in their spine to relieve the pain of giving birth – is advised by a physician. Although these drugs provide temporary relief, they are not natural for your body to digest and many problems can arise.

Firstly, pain medication is addictive. If you have even the smallest addictive personality you are putting yourself at risk for developing an addiction to your pain medication. Also, too many manufactured drugs can destroy your liver and other organs over time. And although these prescription pills can relieve your discomfort temporarily, they are ultimately hurting your insides. Pain medication does not cure your sciatica or strengthen your muscles and back to prevent sciatica from coming back. Therefore, pain medication is just temporarily putting you out of your misery.

It would be wise in my estimate to put the pain killers down and look into alternative remedies that not only ease your discomfort, but create a healthier environment for your body in the future. Although I never had sciatica, I did have major surgery on my face about two years ago and as much as I wanted to, I never touched a pain killer. I worked through the pain with coping techniques and I believe mentally, it made me a stronger person. But then again, I have never given birth, so I will bite my tongue.

In all seriousness, when dealing with such a strenuous amount of pain, especially in the foundation of your body – your legs – it would behoove you to look into natural and home remedies to make a permanent change, rather than a quick fix. With alternative remedies, there are a number of options that are available to you depending on your personal preferences. Because sciatica is not likely to cure itself, even with therapy, it is important to learn to control and manage your pain on your own.

In addition to regular exercise, aquatic exercises can be very beneficial because there is no “impact” on your back and legs. It also promotes mobility and functionality. Also, as you may be aware, some daily lifestyle habits to be aware of in terms of keeping pressure away from your sciatic nerve and waist include keeping correct posture when sitting, periodic change in position to relieve stress, bending at the knees to life something, and investing in a supportive mattress.

Pain is often not associated with nutrition, but it is important to understand that in so many ways it is. Our bodies only function properly when hydrated and enough healthy oxygen runs through it. These two components are essential in maintaining a healthy vertebra. Therefore, stay hydrated throughout the day, and watch your caffeine and alcohol intake because this dehydrates your muscles causing cramps.

Other natural remedies that could be beneficial to your recovery and pain management of sciatica include homeopathy, ice/heat therapy, ultrasound therapy, and acupuncture. And if I may so myself, massages are an incredible way to loosen tension in your spine and muscles to rejuvenate the blood flow and release the stiffness.

Like I said, I have never experienced pain caused by sciatica, but I have had facial reconstruction surgery and used the tools of alternative medicine to relieve my pain and successfully avoid addictive pain killers. I wouldn’t call myself an addict to anything besides junk food when I am in a funky mood, but it is in my nature to want more of something that gives me pleasure (isn’t that the case for every woman?). By steering clear of the conventional pain management methods, I felt better and preserved my organs from manufactured pills and temporarily relief.

However, it is important to know that my surgery and my feelings towards pain management may be very different from a person suffering with a severe case of sciatica and conventional treatment may be your only option. If your physician believes that is your only chance at relieving your discomfort, then maybe your options are limited. But, I strongly encourage you to look into alternative and natural remedies if you do have a choice.