Summer brings with it many things we all enjoy — warmer weather, vacations, pool time. But it also is the season when more women see their doctors regarding yeast, urinary tract and bacterial infections.

And yes, some of your favorite summer activities are to blame. Here are some tips on avoiding these infections and what to do if you think you may have one.

• Keep your immune system up (this is as simple as taking some extra vitamins or drinking a glass of orange juice every morning)
• Wear loose-fitting clothing and underwear that has a cotton crotch
• Don’t sit around in a wet bathing suit or clothing
• Urinate frequently (try not to “hold it”) and always after sexual intercourse
• Stay away from douches and vaginal sprays
• Don’t use scented tampons or other perfumed products on or in the vagina

If you have symptoms of a vaginal infection such as pain, burning during urination, itching and abnormal discharge:

• Call your doctor, even if you think you may have a simple yeast infection
• Drink plenty of fluids
• Begin treatment as soon as possible

Waiting too long to see a doctor or not properly treating an infection can result in even worse infections that can send you to the hospital and impact fertility, so it is absolutely necessary to treat your symptoms as soon as they appear. And the quicker you clear up any infections, the quicker you can get back in the pool and enjoy your summer.