Instead of dreading singledom this holiday season, why not embrace it? The no-strings-attached lifestyle can be quite wonderful this time of year, and here are 17 ways to prove that.

1) You have the freedom to flirt with anyone under the mistletoe. Christina Rosas Anastasiou, a single woman, said in an email that she loves the opportunity to meet and flirt with different men at holiday parties. She also has a chance to meet a future boyfriend at work or friends’ parties.

Rochelle Howell, owner of Mommy's Rum Cake, a holiday dessert company, added her own three perks of being single via email:

2) “I don't have to do anything for anyone that I don't want to. No cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. It's all about me!”

3) “I don't have to spend any money. I buy my son's gifts for cheap after the holiday and give them to him when he returns.” (Her son spends the holidays with his father out of town.)

4) “I can visit other people if I want to, enjoying their food and family at my leisure. I have no obligation to impress or like anyone. I can just be me.”

Annie Kip, a style consultant and creator of the blog Plenty Perfect Style, said in an email that there are benefits of being a single mom during the holidays.

5) “I no longer have to worry about shopping for my ex-husband's family.”

6) “I have the freedom to create holidays that are unique to our family. We have really simple traditions, like shopping for a tree as fast as we can and then drinking egg nog while we decorate it.”

7) “I don't feel the pressure to create a ‘magazine perfect’ Christmas or manufacture holiday cheer to please anyone else.”

Ahyiana Angel, author of “Preseason Love,” shared even more advantages of being single during the holidays:

8) “I don't have to wrack my brain coming up with a thoughtful gift, only to have to pretend that I love the crappy gift that I received.”

9) “I don't feel bad about pigging out on the best holidays dishes at dinner, then giving in to the urge to unbutton my pants.”

10) “I don't have to compromise on where to spend the holidays - my family or his.”

11) “I can tag along as a plus one to all of the really cool holiday work parties with the other single people.”

Sandy Arons, a certified divorce financial analyst, shared some humorous bonuses to being single during the holidays:

12) “Don’t have to feel bad when he does not invite me to his office party, or go to a party that is utterly painful.”

13) “Don’t have to visit his family and deal with their holiday traditions. (I have mine and they are wonderful.)”

14) “I can watch those silly Christmas specials on TV without interruption.”

15) “I don’t have to deal with his emotional breakdown. I have a full-time job just keeping it together.”

Dana Lin, a freedom coach and co-founder for ZenLife, enjoys being a single mom of two daughters during the holidays for many reasons, including the following:

16) “No need to worry about your partner’s drinking habit or bad table manners at family functions.”

17) “No one else to please but yourself! That means you can buy new lingerie for yourself, take yourself to a spa day, pamper yourself - all for yourself, you don’t need to get all groomed and dressed up for anyone else but you!”

What are your favorite perks to being single during the holidays? Share in the comments below.


Rosas Anastasiou, Christina. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Howell, Rochelle. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Kip, Annie. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Angel, Ahyiana. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Arons, Sandy. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Lin, Dana. Email interview. December 1, 2014.

Reviewed December 2, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith