Statistics show that certain women are at greater disadvantages when it comes to natural, vaginal deliveries. For example, if you are African American, at least 40 years old, and/or under 5 foot 1 inch tall, you are more likely to undergo an unplanned cesarean section delivery (according to USA Today medical reporter Rita Rubin). Is there anything you can do to reduce these odds?

First, and maybe most importantly, is to have clear communication with your health care provider. Let them know your wishes. Also, ask them to write this memo in your patient chart (so if any reason they are not available for your delivery, the physician on call will see your request).

There may also be a few steps to take before even choosing your physician or preferred health care provider. Like, choosing a physician who is comfortable with forceps or vacuum-assisted deliveries (if these are options you are comfortable with too). What is forceps or vacuum-assisted deliveries? This is maneuver performed by a skilled physician that helps the baby move down the birth canal (Mom’s cervix must be fully dilated 10 cm first). The physician works with the mother’s pushing and helps to assist the baby’s head with either forceps (a hinged tool that will grasp either side of the head) or vacuum (a suction cup that gently attaches to baby’s head). This video link shows a good demonstration of both forceps and vacuum-assisted deliveries: These tools may be the deciding factor on whether or not moms will have a vaginal delivery rather than a c-section.

Another option may be hip-opening yoga exercises throughout pregnancy. These exercises are easy to perform and facilitate the opening of the pelvis. Such exercises also help increase flexibility in the muscles around the pelvis and are known to ease the laboring process. Check out this link for free prenatal yoga videos including hip-opening exercises and poses to help alleviate pregnancy-associated back pains: (Note: please consult your health care provider prior to starting any new exercises!).

You don’t have control over your ethnicity, age, or height. You also might not have any control whether your cervix fully dilates or not. But if you wish to deliver vaginally, you have the power to prepare yourself the best you can mentally, physically, and with the best possible birthing team!

Claire is a twenty-three year old nursing student at Arizona State University interested in perinatal nursing. She currently teaches yoga and lives in Tempe, AZ with her dog Bella.