Pregnant women need to receive medical care and keep up with their appointments even during a pandemic. Childbirth is one of those things that cannot be postponed or canceled.

With birth plans being tweaked, so many uncertainties, and the news changing every day, this is an especially high-stress and sensitive time for pregnant women. It can feel lonely and scary. Having support during this time is extremely important.

There are so many questions amongst pregnant women during this time and so we turned to Beth Battaglino, RN, and CEO of Healthy Women, to answer some frequently asked questions about pregnancy and childbirth during COVID-19.

1. Will I be allowed a birth partner during delivery?
Yes, hospitals are allowing one person to attend the birth as long as there is no symptoms/temperature.

2. Based on the limited research from the USA and other countries, what are the known risks if any to mom and the baby?
Risks of contracting are the same as everyone. However, infants do not have a build-up of antibodies to help them fight off this virus, so they are still in a high-risk population of contracting the COVID-19. You need to ensure the safety of both infant and family and follow the protocol that is in place.

3. What should we do about people wanting to visit the baby when it gets home from the hospital? Create “virtual visiting.” This will pass and family and friends will have a chance to hold and celebrate in person- you can plan that party once this has passed. Now is the time to protect yourself and your newborn baby.

4. Should we let anyone hold the baby? If not, how long should I wait? You will be practicing what everyone else is social distancing. Your priority is keeping your baby and family safe and healthy. Immediate family only (mom, dad, sibling(s) and of course whoever is with you in your home. While in the hospital health providers, your nurse, pediatrician... we are all working together to ensure the safety of mom and baby.

5. Is it safe to have people make us food/grocery shop trips for us and drop it off?
Yes, drop off is fine- have a place designated for friends and family to drop off. Most restaurants have created pick up locations to maintain social distancing.

6. How do you recommend explaining to family about social distancing and potentially not being able to meet the baby in person? Focus on the celebration once we are able to get together in person. It will be a special event, but for now, you can do a virtual introduction and make this as special as you can. Send pictures and videos daily/weekly to friends and family, which will be such a happy distraction.

7. Is the hospital a safe place to deliver my baby? Yes, we are doing everything possible to ensure our patients are safe and sound.

8. With elective surgeries being put on hold in certain countries, will I still be able to circumcise my baby? Circumcisions are currently being done, your OBGYN who is at the hospital daily can perform this procedure while the infant is in the hospital.

9. Do you recommend opting for online visits with the doctor pre and post-baby as opposed to going in and being exposed to germs? I have spoken to pediatricians about this very question. They have made special arrangements in their offices to manage well patients and those that may be sick. They are utilizing Telemedicine and ensuring that they are meeting their patients’ needs. For newborn first few visits, I still recommend in- person. The pediatrician will be the first person to tell you if a virtual appointment is needed vs. in person. You picked your pediatrician because you trust them with the health and wellness of your children. If you have any doubts, call them. They are more than happy to work with you on a plan of care that will work for you and your baby.

You can help stop COVID-19 by knowing the signs and symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath.1 Seek medical advice if you develop the symptoms.

Beth Battaglino, RN, CEO, Women’s Health Expert

Beth Battaglino, RN, Chief Executive Officer at HealthyWomen, brings a unique combination of sharp business expertise and women's health insight to her leadership of the organization. Beth has worked in the health care industry for more than 25 years helping to define and drive public education programs on a broad range of women's health issues. She launched and has expanded the brand and is responsible for the business development and strategic positioning of the organization. HealthyWomen now connects to millions of women across the country through its wide program distribution and innovative use of technology. Beth serves as the organization's chief spokesperson, regularly participating in corporate, non-profit, community and media events. She also is a practicing nurse in maternal-child health at Riverview Medical Center- Hackensack Meridian Health, in Red Bank, NJ. In addition to her nursing degree, Beth holds degrees in political science, business and public administration from Marymount University.