If your period didn’t arrive on time, you’re probably wondering whether your period is just late — or maybe you're pregnant.

If you are not sexually active, you certainly don’t need to worry about getting pregnant. But be sure that you are honest about your sexual activity before you rule pregnancy out.

It only takes one sperm to fertilize your egg. So any time a man’s sperm comes in contact with your genitals, whether or not he inserts his penis into your vagina or has an orgasm while having sex with you, it could be possible for you to conceive.

Here are some early signs that you might be pregnant:

1) Cramps

We usually associate cramps with having your period. But if an egg is fertilized and implants in the wall of your uterus, this can cause cramps that feel very similar to the ones you get just before your period. So if you have cramps but your period doesn’t show up, it could be a sign that you are pregnant.

2) Spotting

If you are pregnant, you might see a small amount of blood, known as spotting, as the fertilized egg implants. So if you have a period that seems strangely light and probably a few days early, it is possible that you might be pregnant.

3) Sore breasts

If you are pregnant, your hormone levels will change to help your body get ready for all the things it needs to do while the baby grows. This can make your breasts tender, or may make your breasts seem bigger.

4) Feeling tired

If you suddenly find yourself needing a nap to get through the afternoon, you might be pregnant. Changes in hormone levels can make you feel very sleepy early in pregnancy.

5) Nausea

Whether or not you vomit, nausea is a classic symptom of pregnancy. Although often referred to as “morning sickness,” nausea can come on any time of the day or night.

6) Cravings or aversions

If you suddenly find yourself turning away from your favorite food or craving particular foods, it could be a sign that you are pregnant.

7) Frequent urination

If you find yourself heading to the bathroom more often than normal with a full bladder, that could mean that your body is producing extra fluids as part of pregnancy.

8) Shortness of breath

If you suddenly notice that you can’t get your breath, or are short of breath during normal activities, it may mean your body is starting to send some of your oxygen to the growing fetus.

9) Dizziness

If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, it could mean that changes in your hormone levels have caused your blood vessels to dilate (open up) and your blood pressure to drop. This could be a sign that you are pregnant.

10) Feeling moody

If you are suddenly more emotional or more prone to tears than usual, you could be experiencing mood swings caused by changes in your hormone levels due to pregnancy.

It is important to remember that every woman’s experience of being pregnant is different. So even if you are pregnant, you might have some of these symptoms but not others.

If your period is late and you have any of these other signs, your best course is to take a home pregnancy test. Taking the test is the only way to know for certain whether or not you are pregnant.

In general, pregnancy tests are very accurate if you take them at the right time. If your test is negative but you have not actually missed a period yet, wait a few days and take another test, just to be sure.

While it is very rare for a test to show positive if you are not pregnant, it is possible for the test to show a false negative if you take it too soon after you conceive.

If you are pregnant, schedule an appointment with your health care provider right away so you can make sure you and the baby get the care you need.


Healthline. Pregnancy Test: 5 Signs You Should Take One. Ashley Marcin. Web. September 25, 2015.

Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of pregnancy: What happens right away. Web. September 25, 2015.

Parenting. 16 Early Signs of Pregnancy. Sasha Emmons. Web. September 25, 2015.

Reviewed September 28, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith